Planning your wedding? well... so are we! :) We created this blog to help sort out our thoughts while we're planning our future beach wedding. It will cover everything we need to make this wedding happen once we've decided that the time has come. If you're reading this blog then welcome to Wedding Details 101, and we hope you learn and pick-up something along the way ;)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Cake Toppers

Here are some of the cutest cake toppers that I've ever seen!!! You can actually display these at home after the wedding is done because they're just so cute! If you display the traditional wedding cake topper in you're house...well, that's kinda creepy right? hahaha I'm putting the link directly below the cake topper so that it's easier to find.  I've searched different sites for these cake toppers, if you want to see more you can check out " My Favorite Wedding Links".

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